Livelihood Development Programs

FHIDO’s economic empowerment focuses on empowering families of orphans and vulnerable children, young mothers, Commercial Sex workers and unemployed youth. It is one of important interventions in addressing the basic necessities of targets especially in addressing their health needs, better access to education and improved nutrition. As part of this, FHIDO has been engaged in identifying and forming marginalized community groups including caregivers, young mothers, Commercial Sex workers and unemployed youth to economically empower and become self-reliant through the establishment of CSSGs and VSLA groups and trainings to increase target’s economic power, create opportunities of self-employment and household decision making.


FHIDO’s engagement to establish and strengthen CSSG/ VSLA groups have increased their saving habits and to access more loans to build working capital of members and expand and diversify their businesses. Moreover, other than economic benefits, the establishment of saving groups and their continuous meetings and saving created opportunity to improve their social bond and share experiences from one another on different social issues.

The use of support for target in the livelihood interventions with trainings and startup capitals was also another strategy in empowering targets economically. To enhance their knowledge and skills on how to establish and run a certain business individually, relevant trainings have been organized for targets that are economically unprivileged and less benefitted. After each trainings and development of business plans, target have been provided startup materials like washing machine, refrigerator, sewing machine and onion grinder which served them a wheel to proactively engage in business activities and earn better income. The involvement of targets  from low economic background in the IGA scheme through the provision of trainings on business selection planning and management and provision of start-up materials created opportunity to engage in a business of their choice in their community settings to earn better income to support themselves and their family members with basic necessities.

Vocational skill trainings and startup material support are also common interventions for target unemployed youth and young mothers to gain different skills, start their own business and lead an independent and dignified life. The organization has supported for more than 2500 youth in vocational training and startup materials and capitals which created increased capability to become competitive in the market and engage in profitable business.