
USAID High Official Visit

The deputy Chief of mission of the United States Embassy in Addis Ababa Gwendolyn Green escorted by other high USAID staffs Visited FHIDO’s USAID Family

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Support for women Headed Households

FHIDO’s implementeation of Austrian Development Cooperation support project has benefited and economically empowered 32 women headed household caregivers through the business trainings and start up

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Innovation Bazar

FHIDO in partnership with Arada sub-city education office has organized two days’ science, technology and innovation bazar and competition among primary and secondary schools found

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Celebration of Thanks Giving Day

FHIDO has  organized thanks giving event among target schools to promote respectful and positive thinking youth for their families, teachers and the community. On the

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Language Laboratory support

FHIDO has supported one of its target school, New Era primary school, with language laboratory materials. The lab rooms were equipped with English laboratory equipment

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